Tobacco Store Analytics & Reporting

Owners and managers of tobacco stores have unique needs when it comes to analyzing store data. Watch the video below as we provide information about the tobacco store analytics and reporting tools available through Bepoz Point of Sale Systems.

Tobacco Store Analytics and Reporting: Custom Reporting for Tobacco Stores

Too many store reporting tools use standard reports for all of their customers. The lack of flexibility with other point-of-sale systems leaves you unable to learn all of the details you need to maximize profitability.

Bepoz provides custom reporting that lets you decide what to compile. You can run reports on different item types. You can combine different stores or profit centers in the same report. You can run reports on specific cashiers, and inventory levels or learn which items are selling well and which are staying on the shelves. While you can use a pre-formatted report, you can also customize the reporting tools to tell you what is important to your business.

Tobacco Store Analytics and Reporting: Predefined Analytics

You don’t have to be a business wizard to know you need to analyze your data. Bepoz provides predefined analytics reports that are ready for you to use. Some of these reports provide data on items that are not selling, clearance items, margins, employee theft, and general inventory.

While you can create custom reports, you may not always have extra time on your hands. That is why predefined reports work very well for tobacco stores. The Bepoz difference is that we provide both custom and predefined tools so you can make better decisions about your business while growing sales.

Tobacco Store Analytics and Reporting: Automate Your Data

Our customers love that store analytics reports can be automated. You don’t have to set aside time each day, each week, and each month to run reports. Set up Bepoz to automatically run those reports for you. Bepoz will automate your reports as frequently or infrequently as you wish. These automated reports serve as powerful reminders for maintaining your business and ensuring you have all of the data you need at your fingertips at all times.

Are you ready to watch your business grow? Bepoz Tobacco Store POS Systems is the perfect choice for every tobacco business. Give us a call today! We will answer all of your questions and get you started with Bepoz.


Learn More:

Tobacco Store POS Multi-Location Management

Tobacco Store POS Promotions And Discounts

Tobacco Store Employee Permissions


Video Transcript

0:00 Intro
0:50 Tobacco Store Analytics and Reporting: Customizable Reports
1:32 Tobacco Store Analytics and Reporting: Analyze Better Decisions
1:53 Tobacco Store Analytics and Reporting: Analyzing Employee Data
2:14 Data Point Access
3:25 Automated Reports
4:40 Identify Slow-Moving Inventory
4:48 Schedule Reminders
6:38 Negative Inventory

Hey, this is Tim with Bepoz point of sale for tobacco stores. In this video, we’re going to talk about analytics and reporting. Now, if you’re the kind of owner that runs your tobacco store and all you want is three or four or five reports out of the system and that’s all you need out of your system to make it work, this video may not be for you. But if you’re the kind of person that wants to help drive better decisions in your business and hey, use data and analytics in your system to make your business more efficient, save money, and increase revenue, this is what we’re talking about.

So there are lots of ways to be able to do this in Bepoz, and I’m going to give a few different scenarios and examples of ways that you can use Bepoz. 

0:50 Tobacco Store Analytics and Reporting Tools: Customizable Reports

First of all, it’s important to note that in reporting, every report in Bepoz is, except for maybe one, is customizable. You can tweak every report to be the way you like. You don’t have to call us or call our tech support or anybody else. You have the tobacco store reporting tools. We’ll teach you how to use them to build your own reports. 

Now there’s tons of pre-predefined reports that you can use in the system, but everybody wants to look at this a little bit different way, so we give you the tobacco store reporting tools to be able to design and do that.

Now you can also set up those reports, save them as your own personal reports, and schedule them to be sent automatically to whoever on whatever schedule. Some of those tools can be used to help you optimize your business too. 

1:32 Tobacco Store Analytics and Reporting Tools: Analyze Better Decisions

But we can analyze things like inventory levels, pricing levels, patterns for your employees, patterns for your products, patterns for your customers with your loyalty accounts. All of that data in the system could be analyzed to help you make better decisions about your business. 

1:53 Tobacco Store Analytics and Reporting: Analyzing Employee Data

If we’re analyzing employee data, we might be able to try to figure out who are the best salespeople within our organization or the most likely thieves within our organization. We might be able to find employees who are abusing certain procedures or policies or functions within the software, or people who have really good behaviors. 

2:14 Tobacco Store Analytics and Reporting Tools: Data Point Access

We might be able to analyze our customers and what their buying habits are and whether we should be sending promotions to certain customers, what things they buy, how many of them they buy, how many dollars, who’s our best customer, all of those kinds of data points are easily accessible in Bepoz.

If we’re looking at products, we might be able to decide which products are probably worthy of discontinuing and which products we need to use promotions on or discount and would be good candidates for those promotions. 

And I’ll go a little bit deeper just on one topic because it’ll just show a few other ideas and we could do this for hours, so we’ll just kind of keep this brief, but we could talk about inventory levels or actually just products in general.

There are a lot of things where as a business operator, you may be trying to wear 20 hats, and so all the different spinning plates that you’ve got running, sometimes you lose track of some spinning plate and if those are the ones that get you some days, you’re like wow, I totally got my eye off the ball, and that one was a problem. 

3:25 Automated Reports

What you can do is automate reports, and they can be scheduled to particular managers who are responsible for the piece, or if you’re the owner, they could be scheduled to remind you to keep you up with certain tasks. So we’ll talk about a couple examples of this, but there could be many, many more. 

So for example, you have products that are, that haven’t sold in a timely fashion. I’ve never, almost never been in a store that has at least a thousand products where you’ve got a product that’s sitting on the shelf and not a single one of those products has sold for a year or more, right? And those really are tying up value on your shelf, right? If they’re tying up, you only have so many square feet and every product that isn’t selling is really a detriment to your business because you could generate more profit if I could put a better product in there. 

So if I can identify products that are slow-moving or not moving at all, I know what to put on clearance. I’d be better off really from an operational standpoint if I got a product that doesn’t sell for an entire year to throw in the garbage than to keep it on the shelf. However, I don’t recommend you throw it in the garbage. You could clearance it, get it moved out and get a better moving product in that store. 

4:40 Identify Slow-Moving Inventory

Bepoz can help you with those decisions and identify those slow-moving or no-moving products. 

4:48 Schedule Reminders

Now those reports could be scheduled to be automatically sent to you on a weekly or monthly basis to remind you to review that list of what products might be good candidates for clearance.

Another list of products that you might have problems with is products that have a low margin. Let’s say your supplier up’s the cost on a particular product, and the person who receives it, might even be you, but the person who receives it forgets to adjust the price. So there’s a couple ways that I could identify this. I could send myself a report of all the products that are below a certain margin, and I’d have it sent it to me weekly so that I, here’s all the products that are below twenty percent margin or whatever the margin level is you want it to be, and all those report, all those products are then products that I need to go and adjust the price on, right?

Now, there’s more than one way to skin that cat, but that will start with that idea. Now if you have a larger organization, you’ve got a manager who’s responsible for this, I could have that report sent to the manager with an email every week that says, hey, you need to go change the prices on these products. 

Now what you can do from an accountability standpoint is have that same report sent however many days later to their manager. You give them a week to fix those products, probably you’re not going to give them a week if prices are at stake, but give them some time to fix that report and then send a follow-up email automatically several days later to their manager or the owner of the business and say, here’s the follow-up on that report, and if we still have a bunch of items that have wrong prices, that means that person didn’t do their job. So now you can immediately call them and say, hey, you got a report. You need to go change your prices, keep up with your job, right? 

6:38 Negative Inventory

So it could be built-in accountability for your managers if you wanted to. Now you could also do this with negative quantity inventory, you know. Negative quantity inventory means something in your processes are not being handled right. If I’ve got a negative quantity inventory, maybe I got a receipt of new goods and I forgot to receive it. Maybe I did a transfer and forgot to complete it. Maybe I did a count incorrectly, but something in the process hasn’t been completed correctly. 

So I could do that same process, send that negative quantity inventory to a manager, say hey, you need to go figure out what’s wrong with these products and count them or whatever it takes to get that resolved, and then send back the accountability email to their manager several days later to find out if they actually did their job, or if you’re the owner, send that report to yourself just to remind you that you need to check on these products and make sure that your team is following the process or you’re following the process.

So that’s just a few ideas about how analytics could be used, but we could go on in this topic for hours. So if you would like to talk to us about how Bepoz could help you improve your business, improve your bottom line, we would love to talk to you. You can call us at the number on the top of your page or click on the link below.