Tax Rates Setup



The following instructions will assist in the setup of taxes in Bepoz. Several related settings are also discussed.




  1. Open BackOffice.exe
  2. On the left column, navigate to the System Setup Tab
  3. Click Venues, Stores, & Tills
  4. Double click the Venue to configure taxes
  5. On the top portion of the Venue Edit window, set the Dealer / Country / Region
  6. Dealer: USA
  7. Country: USA
  8. Region: Select the correct state
  9. On the “Miscellaneous” column of the Venue Edit window, configure rounding
  10. Cash Rounding: $0.00
  11. Price Rounding: $0.00
  12. Click the Tax Setup Button
  13. Set appropriate taxes and click OK
  14. Click OK again to close the Venue Edit screen


Note: Multiple tax rates may be combined when selecting the tax in the Edit Product screen. This setting is discussed more when creating products.




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