Database.exe Domain Authentication


Database.exe is the tool used on each Bepoz terminal to assign the Till / Workstation ID. On client terminals, Database.exe must connect to the SQL database to retrieve Till / Workstation ID’s for assignment. by default, it connects to the SQL database using Windows authentication, which requires that the server and client terminals both have the local Windows login credentials. These credentials are usually not the same in a business environment. When Bepoz terminals are being managed in a domain environment, the following settings should be completed so that Database.exe can authenticate on client terminals using domain credentials to assign the Till / Workstation ID.




You will need to contact the IT Company of the Venue to set up a Global group on the domain controller for the Domain Users who access Back Office.

Below is the procedure to set up a Domain User Group in Management Studio.

Add Domain Group as SQL Server Management Group

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio Express and connect to the database
  2. In Object Explorer, browse to Security | Logins.
  3. Press the Search button.
  4. Press the Object Types button, select Groups and press the OK button.
  5. Press the Locations button, highlight Entire Directory and press the OK button.
  6. In the box below Enter the object name to select (examples), type the Domain User Group (e.g. BEPOZ) and press the OK button.


Add Domain User Group to the Logins

  1. In Object Explorer, browse to Databases {Database Name}Security Users.
  2. Right Press on Users, and press New User…
  3. In Username, type a username (e.g. BEPOZ Users)
  4. In Login Name, type the login group name (e.g. BEPOZ)
  5. In Database Role Membership, select the following roles.
    1. Db_datareader
    2. Db_datawriter
    3. Db_ddladmin
  6. Press the OK button.
  7. Exit SQL Server Management Studio.




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