Bematech LS6000 Kitchen Display System Setup


The Bematech LS6000 is certified hardware for Kitchen Display. An LS6000 and bump bar are required for each screen that should display orders. A Terminal must be designated as the KDS Server and run the KDS Manager software for the displays to work. Bepoz can be configured to send order entries to the KDS Server via Windows File Transfer (WFT) or TCP/IP protocol. TCP/IP is the recommended protocol. The procedure below explains how to configure the LS6000 for WFT and TCP/IP scenarios.

Settings specific to Windows File Transfer will begin with “WFT:”.
Settings specific to TCP/IP protocol will begin with “TCP/IP:”.


Understanding of Devices and Printer Routing in Bepoz


LS6000 Hardware Settings

  1. Connect Bump Bar, Video, and power cables to LS6000
  2. In LS6000 Firmware Menu
  3. Assign Static IP to LS6000
  4. Assign Unique Station Number to each LS6000 (Range: 01 thru 20)

KDS Server Windows Settings

A Terminal must be designated as the KDS Server to run the KDS software (KDS Manager)

  1. Select KDS Server Terminal
  2. Assign Static IP to KDS Server
  3. Install KDS Manager Software (Download Here)
  4. WFT: Create File Share C:\Program Files\Logic Controls KDS\orderinfo\
  5. TCP/IP: Firewall Exception: Port 8888
  6. Firewall Exception: C:\Program Files\Logic Controls KDS\KDS_Manager.exe

Note: KDS Manager software must always remain running in order for orders to post on screen.

KDS Manager System Settings

  1. Run KDS Manager Software
  2. Click System Settings Icon
  3. WFT: Order Source | Files | C:\Program Files\Logic Controls KDS\orderinfo\
  4. TCP/IP: Order Source | TCP/IP port: 8888
  5. Select other settings as needed
  6. Click OK to save settings

KDS Manager LS6000 Station Settings

  1. Double click “Default” to control global settings for all LS6000 devices
  2. Double click LS#XX to configure settings for individual LS6000 devices (especially the IP address and port)

Add KDS Device

  1. Open BackOffice.exe
  2. Go to the System Setup Tab
  3. Click Venues, Stores, & Tills
  4. Use the mouse to highlight a Till to add the KDS Device
  5. Click Add New Device
  6. Select Blank Device
  7. Device Name: (Create Name)
  8. Device Type: Kitchen Display
  9. External DLL Name: Stdlibrary.Dll
  10. Class Name: KDS Bematech 60 00
  11. WFT: Shared Directory: Enter Shared Directory created on the KDS Server
  12. WFT: Communications Method: File Transfer
  13. TCP/IP: Communications Method: TCPIP
  14. TCP/IP: Enter IP Address of LS6000
  15. TCP/IP: Enter Port 8888
  16. KDS Station:  Same as Station Number assigned to LS6000
  17. Click OK to save settings
  18. Repeat for each LS6000 in the network
  19. Repeat for each order entry Till

Create Printer Format for KDS

  1. In BackOffice.exe, go to the System Setup Tab
  2. Click Print Formats
  3. Click Add Printer Format
  4. Name the format
  5. Type: Kitchen Display System
  6. Click Save to save settings
  7. Click Close

Till Printer Type Settings

  1. In BackOffice.exe, go to the System Setup Tab
  2. Click Venues, Stores, & Tills
  3. Double click a Till to configure
  4. Locate the Printer Setup section on the right of the Till Edit screen
  5. In the Printer column, click the drop down menu to assign a KDS Device for each Printer Type as desired for the Till
  6. In the Format column, click the drop down menu and select the KDS Printer Format that was just created
  7. Click OK to save settings
  8. Repeat for all order entry Tills

Create Printer Profile

  1. In BackOffice.exe, go to the System Setup Tab
  2. Click Printer Profiles
  3. Click Add Printer Profile
  4. Select KDS Printer Types for this Profile as desired
  5. Multiple Printer Profiles may be created for Products that route to different combinations of Printer Types

Assign Products to Printer Profiles

  1. In BackOffice.exe, go to the Maintenance Tab
  2. Click Products to view existing Products
  3. Double click a Product to modify
  4. Locate the Printer Profile setting and click the drop down menu
  5. Select the desired Printer Profile for the item
  6. Click OK to save settings


  1. Run SmartPOS.exe on the order entry Till
  2. Run SmartPrint32.exe on the order entry Till
  3. If Bepoz system is live, switch to Training Mode
  4. Ring up sale for the Product that was just configured above
  5. Verify that order displays on KDS
  6. Remember to disable Training Mode when testing is complete



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